Upgraded Soft Ring Sizer Measuring Tool with Magnified Glass

SKU: 49964098
Regular price €1,77
Regular price Sale €3,01 Sale price €1,77

- Accurately measure your ring size with ease
- Constructed from reusable plastic for durability
- Built-in magnified glass ensures clear and precise readings
- Measures US ring sizes from 1 to 17 with the included Finger Gauge
- Ideal for jewellery making or finding the perfect fit for your favourite ring

- Special Features: Portable
- Item ID: MN08125
- Finger Size Range: US sizes 1-17
- Material: Reusable plastic
- Magnifying Glass: Integrated at the buckle for easy reading

**Included in Package**
- Upgraded Soft Ring Sizer Measuring Tool
- Finger Gauge

To guarantee the ring fits comfortably, ensure it can slide easily over your knuckle. Fit the ring sizer snugly on your knuckle, then gently push it down your finger. It's essential to remember that while the ring should glide on easily, it should require some effort to remove it. This ensures the perfect fit for your rings.

This tool is perfect for anyone looking to create or purchase rings with confidence, providing clarity in measuring that can enhance your jewellery experience.